Books - English


East and West.Vol.  III / 1935.4.1 / Rome Via Merulana 


East &  West.Vol.IV/ 1953.4.3 / Rome Via Merulana 


Indian Opinion:  Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Number 1948 / 1948-1948;1 / Natal International Printing press 


Indo-Asia: Mahatma  Gandhi 1869-1969 / 1969.3 / Stuttgart 


National Solidarity:  Gandhi centenary number 1968 / 1968 / New Delhi 


Point of views:  Gandhi's birthday number. Vol. 3, Nos. 30-31. Oct. 1972 / 1972 / New Delhi 


Point of view:  Gandhi's birthday number, Vol. 3, Nos.30-31, Oct.1972 / 1972 


Seminar 122. Gandhi:  A symposium on the effectiveness of his germinal ideas in the contemporary world / 1969.12  / New Delhi 


ALL ASSAM SEMINAR ON  RELEVANCE OF GANDHI FOR OUR TIME / Seminar papers / 1969.27 / Gauhati 


ALTONJI Mohammad.Ed.  / Gandhi and his centenary in the Syrian Arab Republic / 1970 / Delhi, 8 pages


BANDYOPADHYAYA Anu /  Bahuroopee Gandhi / 1964-1964;1 / Bombay, 171


BANDYOPADHYAYA Anu /  Bahuroopee Gandhi / 1970-1970;1 / New Delhi, 174


BANERJI A.M. /  Ranchi College Magazine: In memoriam volume. Vol. 4 No.4 / 1948.1 / Ranchi  Secretary-College Magazine Section 


BLITZ / Gandhi  Centenary special / 1968 / Bombay 


BRAGANZA R. etc./  1968-69: Gandhi Centenary Memorial Volume. V18. / 1969.7 / Rome 


BRITISH INFORMATION  SERVICE, New Delhi / This is Britain: Special edition on Mahatma Gandhi. 1968 / 1968 / New  Delhi 


CENTRAL HEALTH  EDUCATION BUREAU / Swasth Hind (Gandhiji on health) Jan. 1969 Vol. XIII, No.1 / 19691 /  New Delhi 


CHAKARBARTI  Atulananda / Mahatma and his men - Rajan Babu / 1956 / New Delhi, 104


CHAKRABARTI  Atulananda / Gandhi and Birla / 1955 / Calcutta, 91


CHAKRABARTI  Atulananda / Birla / 1956 / Calcutta 


CHAKRABARTI  Atulananda / Mahatma and his men: Nehru / 1956-1956;2 / Calcutta, 103


CHAKRABARTI  Atulananda / Mahatma and his men - G.D. Birla / 1967-1967;1 / Calcutta, 119


DESH BANDU COLLEGE,  New Delhi / Mahatma Gandhi (1869 A.D.-1969 A.D.) Centenary 1969: Desh supplement /  1969-1969;1 / Kalkaji 


DURGA DAS / State  (Gandhi Jayanti Number) forgotton land now stranded, Vol. I, No. 24 Oct. 1970 / 1970 / New  Delhi 


GANDHI M.K. /  Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhian Non-Violence. Vol. I, November 1965, No.2 / 1965 /  Gurdaspur Jaswant Singh 


GANDHI Manubehn / My  memorable moments with Bapu. Tr. Arvind Sheth / 1960-1960;2 / Ahmedabad, 48


GANDHI CENTENARY  CELEBRATION COMMITTEE / Gandhi centenary celebrations: Singa / 1969.24 / Gandhi Centenary  Celebration Committee 


GANDHI HILL SOCIETY  / Gandhi Dhawani Prakash Pradarshn on Gandhi hill / 1969-1969;1 / Vijaywada 


GANDHI MEMORIAL  FOUNDATION Jakarta / Gandhi: Souvenir issue at the time of silver jubilee of Gandhi  Memorial School, Jakarta / 1978 / Jakarata 


GANDHI SMARAK NIDHI  / Planning for the Gandhi Centenary: An exploration based on the report of Gandhi  Centenary preparatory Committee / 1964 / New Delhi, 22


GERMAN COMMITTEE /  Report: October 20, 1969 / 1969.23-1969.23;1 / Bonn, 66


GUPTA Bibhas / Stamp  Digest: Gandhi Centenary number / 1969.2 / Calcutta, 39


HAY Stephen N. /  Jain influence on Gandhi's early thought / 1970 / Reprint, 38


INDIAN COUNCIL FOR  CULTURAL RELATIONS / Indo-Asian culture. Vol.XIII.No.4 / 1969.15 / New Delhi, 79


JAMMU, GOVT. COLLEGE  FOR WOMEN / DVICARTA: Gandhi centenary number V.XII 1968-69 / 1969.6 / Jammu 


JANATA / Janata:  Gandhi birth centenary number Vol. XXIV. Nos. 37-38 / 1969.30-1969.30;1 / Bombay 


JAVADEKARR KOTHARI  A.G.V.N. / Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda; Gandhi centenary number  vol. XVIII, No. 1&2 / 1969.29-1969.29;1 / Baroda 


KAUL H.M. and  others. Ed. / Namaskaar: The inflight magazine of Air India / 1982 / Hong-Kong, 60


KHADI AND VILLAGE  INDUSTRIES / Khadi Gramodyog. Vol.XIX No.1, Oct. 1972 / 1972.1 / Bombay 


KOHLI M.S. / Mahatma  Gandhi's confessions / 1943-1943;1 / Lahore 


MAHARASHTRA STATE  COMMITTEE / Gandhi centenary in Maharashtra: progress of work upto 15th June 1969 /  1969.28-1969.28;1 / Bombay 


MAHATMA GANDHI  MEMORIAL / Singapore Souvenir / 1953-1953;1 / Singapore 


MODREN COLLEGE OF  WOMEN / Apoorva: Special supplement (of the magazine of Modern college for Women, New  Delhi) to commemorate the Gandhi centenary 1969 / 1969.9 / New Delhi 


MUBARAK SINGH /  Mahatma Gandhi's confessions. Edi.2 / 1944.3-1944.3;1 / Lahore, 118


NANDA B.R. Ed. /  Mahatma Gandhi 125 years: remembering Gandhi, understanding Gandhi, relevance of Gandhi /  1995-1995;1 / New Delhi, 427


NARASIMHAIAH C.D. /  Writer's Gandhi / 1967 / Patiala, 79


NATIOANL COMMITTEE  FOR GANDHI CENTENARY / Progress of Gandhi centenary work, based on the report of the  activities of N.C.G.C. its Sub-Committees & the state Committees / 1968-1968;1 / New  Delhi, 11


NATIONAL ACADEMY OF  ADMINISTRATION, Mussoorie / Gandhi centenary issue Vol. 14 Nos. 3&4 / 1970 / Mussoorie 


NATIONAL COMMITTEE  FOR GANDHI CENTENARY / Popularising Gandhi centenary among the masses / 1969-1969;1 / New  Delhi 


NATIONAL COMMITTEE  FOR GANDHI CENTENARY Inaugration 1965 / 1965 / New Delhi, 13


NATIONAL COMMITTEE  FOR GANDHI CENTENARY / Centenary of Ba-Bapu / 1969.26-1969.26;4 / New Delhi, 23


NATIONAL COMMITTEE  FOR GANDHI CENTENARY / Report of progress of work / 1969.25-1969.25;3 / New Delhi 


NATIONAL GANDHI  CENTENARY COMMITTEE / Gandhi centenary souvenir / 1969.13 / New Delhi 


NEWSWEEK  International News Magazine. Dec. 13, 1982 / Magnificent life of Gandhi / 1982 / BROVLES  William, 56


NIGERIA GANDHI  CENTENARY ORGANIZING COMMITTEE / Mahatma Gandhi centenary Oct 2, 1869-1969 / 1968 / Lagos, 32


PUBLIC OPINION /  Public opinion surveys of the Indian Institute of Public opinion; Monthly Vol. V, Nos.  2& 3.1959 / 1959 / New Delhi 


PUBLICATION DIVISION  / Kurukshetra: Seventeenth anniversary number / 1969.11 / New Delhi 


PUBLICATION DIVISION  / 1968.1 / New Delhi 


PUSA, GANDHI  CENTENARY ASSOCIATION / Gandhi & Rural India / 1969.10 / New Delhi, 36


RAMCHANDRAN G. /  Gandhigram: A quarterly journal of Gandhian thought and experiment Vol. 3, April-June 1967  / 1967 


RAMSURRUN Pahlad /  Mahatma Gandhi and his impact on Mauritius / 1995 / New Delhi, 170


RAO S.N. Ed. /  Indian worker: Gandhi Jayanti number. Vol. XXVI 1&2; Oct 10 / 1977 


ROLLAND Romain /  Gandhi Diamond Jubilee Number: with illustrations / 1929 / Madras 


SANATHAN DHARMA  SABHA Natal / Voice of truth: Centenary Publications: On the occasion of the unveiling of  Mahatma Gandhi Statue, on 6th September, 1970 / 1969.21 / Durban, 102


SHARMA B.L. /  States: Is Gandhi relevant? (Gandhi Jayanti number) Vol. III, No.24, Sept. 1972 / 1972 / New Delhi 


SHARMA Om Parkash.  Ed. / Rajendra: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial number 1 / 1948 / Bhatinda, 54


SOCIALIST RESEARCH  BUREAU, New Delhi / New Socialist (Monthly) Oct.1958 Vol. 1, No.12 / 1958 / New Delhi 


SOVIET LAND  PUBLICATIONS / Souvenir (Gandhi Great son of India 1869-1969) / 1969.4 / New Delhi 


SOVIET REVIEW /  Gandhi the great son of India 1869-1969 / 1969.5 


SRINIVASAN K. /  Indian Parliament. Vol.III Nos. 2-3 / 1948 / Madras 


ST. MARY'S COLLEGE,  Kurseong / Tattvaviveka. Vol. XVIII No.2 1970 / 1970.1 / Kurseong 


ST. STEPHEN'S  COLLEGE, Delhi / Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Number 1948 / 1948 / Delhi 


TAN YAN SHAN /  Sino-Indian Journal: Gandhi memorial number / 1948 / India 


THE STATESMAN LTD. /  1972 / The Statesman Ltd. 


THE STATESMAN LTD.,  New Delhi / Statesman supplement on the Gandhi centenary and the Republic Day / 1969.8 /  New Delhi 


THE TIMES OF INDIA /  Illustrated weekly of India: Thrown out of Africa / 1972 / Bombay 


THOREAU Henry D. /  Walden / 1962 / Delhi, 297


TOURISM DEVELOPMENT  CORPORATION, India / India of Gandhi / 1968.1-1968.1;1 / India 


UNITED AFRICAN PRESS  / Gandhi 100 years / 1969 / Narobi 


UNITED KINGDOM  COMMITTEE COMMEMORATING THE GANDHI CENTENARY / Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1869-1948 /  1969.22 / United Kingdom 


UNIVERSITY OF DELHI  / Indian Political Science Review; Gandhi centenary issue / 1969-1969;1 / Delhi 


VARMA Gauri Shanker  / Bihar information.Vol.17,18 / 1969.2 / Wardha 


VASWANI K.N. /  Message of the Mahatma / 1942 / Hyderabad, 22


WOMEN'S FORUM /  Special number on Gandhi centenary Vol. III, No. 3. 1966 / 1966 / Maharashtra 


Life: Asia Edition.  Vol.44, No.3, 1968 


Apoorva: special  supplement to commemorate the Gandhi Centenary 1969 / 1969 


ACHUTHAN R. / After  Gandhi Centenary what? / 1969 / New Delhi 


CURRENT PUBLICATIONS  / Current weekly: Gandhi number. Vol XX. No.5 Pt. 4 / 1968-1968;1 / Bombay, 88


DANGE S.A. / Mahatma  Gandhi and history / 1969-1969;2 / New Delhi, 29


DEV RAJ M.K. Ed. /  Anviksiki: Research bulletin of centre of Advanced study in Philosophy / 1969.1 / Banaras 


EMBASSY OF THE  FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY / German News Weekly Bulletin of the Embassy of the Federal  Republic of Germany. Vol. X, No. 29, August 1968 / 1968 / New Delhi, 12 pages


ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY  OF INDIA / Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Number / 1965-1965;1 / Bombay 


M.P. Ed. /  Contemporary relevance of Gandhi / 1970-1970;3 / Bombay 


MODERN ASIAN STUDIES  / Modern Asian studies: Gandhi centenary number / 1969 / London 


MUKERJI H.D. /  Indian worker: Gandhi centenary number. Vol. XVII, No.1 / 1968 / New Delhi 


NATIONAL COMMITTEE  FOR THE GANDHI CENTENARY New Delhi / Report of the work of the committee for the National  & International seminars of the N.C.G.C. from April 1966 to 30 Jan.,1970 / 1970 / New  Delhi 


SHRI RAMAKRISHNA  SOCIETY / Mahatma Gandhi birth Centenary commemoration Vol. 1969 / 1969.3 / Ramakrishna  Society