
  • 390 Books on and by Gandhi
  • 30 Books on India
  • 1 Palm leaf letter to Mahatma Gandhi in Mallayalam incl. transcription (unpublished)
  • 20 Old newspapers and magazines (vintage)
  • 1 Box file with the Reginald Reynolds and Louis Fischer Archive: letters to and about Reginald Reynolds from Mahatma Gandhi , 1929 – 1946. 21 pages report by an unknown foreign visitor of Mahatma Gandhi. Photocopy of the entire Louis Fischer Archive
  • 41 Oral History files with interviews, largely by Peter Rühe, with eye witnesses of India’s independence movement, such as Gandhi’s associates Dr. Sushila Nayar, Narayan Desai, Prabhudas Gandhi, Marjorie Sykes, Anand Hingorani, Dr. Usha Mehta, Abha Gandhi and other freedom fighters. (unpublished)
  • 17 CDs and various box files with an extensive correspondence and newspaper archive about Mahatma Gandhi
  • Over 3.100 photographed letters from and to Gandhi originating from various archives in India and abroad
  • 565  photographs of newspaper articles document how the world media reported about Mahatma Gandhi and India’s independence movement in India and abroad
  • 388 photographs of Mahatma Gandhi’s dairy of 1916/17 (unpublished)
Modern magazines on Mahatma Gandhi from allover
Modern magazines on Mahatma Gandhi from allover